Configure print report

Once a print report has been created, it can be configured via the properties.




Reported objects

If the content of the report is to be reported not for the selected objects but for objects related to it, you can configure here attributes and queries that determine these objects in the context of the selected objects.


If you want the report in the context menu to be applicable only for objects of certain categories or for certain users, you can define here user groups, users, categories, access control lists and condition components that check the executability.


Reference here directories, custom content, etc. that appear in the document BEFORE the actual content of the report. The order of the contents results from the order of the components under this property.


Reference here the report components that output the model objects for the contents of the print report.


Reference here directories, custom content, etc. that appear AFTER the actual content of the report in the document. The order of the contents results from the order of the components under this property.


A macro is predefined in this property that defines the file name of the print report.

Target format

Select the target format of the print report here.

The following target formats are available:

  • Portable Document Format (.pdf)

    Note: By default, the .pdf target format is used for all existing and new print reports.

  • OpenDocument Text (.odt)

  • PDF/A-1a ISO 19005-1 (.pdf)

  • Microsoft Word (.docx, .doc)

    Note: We recommend that you use the target format .docx.

  • 1.0 Text Document (.sxw)

  • Plain Text (.txt)

  • Microsoft Excel (.xls)

  • OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods)

  • OpenDocument Presentation (.odp)

  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt)

  • ZIP

Update directories

This property updates the directories in the print report after the print report is executed.

Document properties Create queries here that return the attributes and values to be included in the print report from the printed object (e.g. a process). The attributes and values can then be used, for example, on the cover page or in headers and footers.


Select here the resolution of the diagrams in the print report.

Use database stylesheet

With this property the print report uses the styles that are defined in the database in the stylesheet attribute.

Macro Java class Define here a Java class that should be executed when the print report is generated. The Java class must have the fully qualified name of a Java class that implements the interface and has a default public constructor. The Java class will be executed only if you have selected the macro type Java Class.

Attach file manager

This property is used to attach PDF files referenced on the object to the print report.

Attention: The feature is deprecated. Please do not use this attribute anymore!

Attach referenced files This property is used to attach PDF files referenced by the object attribute Filename to the print report.
Print styles

Default components

Here you can create a Paragraph component, a List component and a Diagram Format component. These can be used as configuration templates if attributes are configured directly or diagram components do not define a diagram format.


The style sheets imported from the ODT template are displayed here. You can reference these in the report as standard formats and in the report components.

Page styles

The page styles (master pages) imported from the ODT template are displayed here. You can reference these in the report as standard page styles and in secondary report content or the View component.


Here you can create an external reference to a template from which the formats will be imported. If no template is created, the Import Formats action will automatically use the default Aeneis template.

Default page style

The default page style used for the report content is displayed here.

Default heading style

The default heading style used for all report components is displayed here if the component does not define its own style.

Default paragraph style

The default paragraph style is displayed here, which is used for all report components that generate paragraphs if the component does not define its own style.

Default list style

The default list style is displayed here, which is used for all report components that generate lists, if the component does not define its own style. Exceptions are lists of multiline text attributes.

Default table style

The default table style is displayed here, which is used for all report components that generate a table, if the component does not define its own style.

Page layouts  

Default draw page layout

Default draw frame layout

Display options

List display

Select the default list display for report components here. The setting can be changed in the individual report components.


You determine the title of the document and the heading via the name of the print report. You can also include this meta information in the print report, for example, in the headers and footers of a page template or output it on the cover page.